DRIESCHER ENERGIE-Forum with exhibition 05.06.2025 in Moosburg

We are delighted to be able to offer you a platform for information and dialogue again with the DRIESCHER ENERGY Forum 2025.

Since our in-house exhibitions in Moosburg in 2019 and in Eisleben in 2022, not only has a lot changed in the world. The energy industry is also changing. Technical progress and political framework conditions are reshaping the requirements of the market and opening up new perspectives for companies. This also applies to us and the concept of our ENERGY Forum.

In 2025, we would like to further develop the classic format of an in-house exhibition and provide you and the trade visitors with added value with the event. To do this, we will be charging trade visitors an admission fee for the first time (€29 to visit the trade exhibition, €49 for the trade exhibition and our industry get-together in the evening).

The reasons for this are:

we would like to offer you an even higher quality range of specialist lectures and event organisation

we have to take into account the increased prices for service providers and catering

we offer you an event format that is safe in terms of compliance rules

Exhibitor Registration

Our complete package includes:

Stand area 3 x 2 m
Stand wall construction 2.5 m high.

Power connection 1 x 230 V AC
Panel with your logo
All-day catering
Evening industry get-together with shuttle service
Max. 3 people (stand staff)

Price 2,990 euros plus VAT.

Fig. shows a row stand, corner stands also available

If you have any questions, please contact our trade fair organization team:

Thomas Leitsch
+49 8761 681 229

Thomas Ertle
+49 8761 681 263


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