Tutorial TeamViewer

Dear customers and business partners, in our mailing from March 19th, we informed you that we will keep on being available for you with all our engagement during this difficult time. In order to ensure direct communication without meeting personally, we would like to provide the TeamViewer to you. With [...]

2023-12-13T10:36:17+00:0023. March 2020|Uncategorized|

Our measures during the corona crisis

Dear customers and business partners, according to the current situation and the necessary requirements introduced by the federal and state governments to deal with this difficult time, Elektrotechnische Werke Fritz Driescher & Soehne GmbH in Moosburg an der Isar and Driescher Eisleben GmbH in Eisleben will also take action to [...]

2023-12-13T10:36:24+00:0020. March 2020|Company|

Postponement of exhibitions

Due to the spread of  Covid-19 all over Europe, several exhibitions have been posponed or canceled. DRIESCHER will participate the following mentioned exhibitions in 2020: Hannover Messe new date: 13. to 17. of July 2020 hall 13, stand C47 InnoTrans Berlin date: 22. to 25. of September 2020 hall 25, [...]

2023-12-13T10:36:35+00:004. March 2020|Uncategorized|
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